A upper part of an object is sustainable and may make 2 to 3 times electricity for its own need, a whole construction is made in a way to mantle from 15 to 45 days *depends of type,
this is preview, you may see a concept project at req. and insolation and air flow allows
very good climate inside the object.The best thing is that you mayy transport whole object by a transport airplane or a bigger helycopter becouse its lightweight and there is nothing constructed with any material except modular alu plates, LED lights and glass, connected mechanically (no glues, concrete or similar) At the top you may install solar equipment or solar mirrors......Soon I will publish more because its a complex project because we develop 5 types of object, from one for upgrade yhe old one to double with a landmark statement as an important object, city fast and two formats for the road.All light is 16M color scheme LED complex, so advertising and marking is very easy as well as LED inside (human yellow to night ambience)
 Of course every object is also adjust to climate, temperature, wind and static.Take a look, I hope you will find it interesting and ecomomical.

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